How can I add information to a case?

After opening a case, click on the "Add to Case" button to add additional information to the case.

You can directly search for an existing subject by entering some identifying information here:

Or click "Create New" in order to add a new review, transactions, financial institutions, people, business, product, bank account, payment card, crypto address, device, or request.

To import data from a structured data document, you should:

  1. Select the "Custom Import" option from the drop-down shown when you click "Create New".

  2. Drag-and-drop a spreadsheet (into the “....or import a file” area in the pop-up screen) or copy-paste the data from a spreadsheet

  3. Click on “Import”

  4. Verify the information shown to you

  5. Click on “Complete”

You can add an "unknown subject" by choosing Person from the drop-down menu. Click on the "Enter manually" button, and then click on the "Add unknown subject" button without filling out the form.

Last updated