How can I view and manage Subject data?

Managing Subjects, Accounts, and Devices

In the Investigation Canvas

How do I find Subjects within the Investigation Canvas?

Simple! Just open the case, scroll down, and you will see all Subjects at the bottom of the page.

How do I get at-a-glance information about a profile?

Click the icon for the property you want to view.

How do I get full details about a Subject?

Click the icon in the Subject's row, and you will get full detail.

Within Reviews

How to I find where Subjects are listed within the review?

  1. You will now see a list of Subjects, broken into three categories:

    1. Financial Institutions: These are all the Financial Institutions contained within the case data.

    2. Subjects: These are Businesses or Individuals within the case data.

    3. Other accounts and devices: These are devices, bank accounts, payment cards, or wallets within the case data and do not have an identified owner.

How do I find a Subject within the review?

There are two ways to find a Subject:

How do I access Subject data from within a review?

A few levels of customer data are available directly from within the review.

  1. You can view full Profile information. Click on the Subject's name to see the profile in the Investigation Canvas.

  2. You can access deeper information about accounts and devices. The account overview row is clickable.

How do I exclude Subjects from the filing?

There are multiple ways to manage.

Last updated